Sunday, November 15, 2015

Research : The Importance Of Sound In Horror Films

Sound is a key party of a film. It helps build tension in films and portraying emotions. It also creates an atmosphere within the scene. Horror movies typically contain strings and short, sharp notes for action moments. Where as when no events are happening the music maybe slower and calmer. . For example, in the film 'Psycho', there is a stabbing scene and non diegetic sound is played over the top as the killer plunges the knife down. This adds to the fear that is portrayed to the audience. The sound in the film 'The Shining' the sound is more suttle but still adds lots of fear into the scene.

This clip shows how the music in the background adds to the 'Here's Johnny' scene. Unlike the music in 'Psycho', the music is not as prominent but it still adds the emotions being portrayed. This clip shows what a key point in a film will feel like with and with out non diegetic sound. There is a dramatic difference and it clearly stands out.
The jaws music is very famous and is known by most people whether they have seen the movie or not. The low frequency beats means I is memorable as there isn't many other tracks that follow this trend. Connotations for low frequency beats are fear and death. This helps the scene portray the correct emotions.

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