Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Research : The Importance Of Opening Titles

When looking into the importance of opening titles I looked on a website called Art Of The Title which has many film titles on it as well a video going though all the centuries of film titles. It clearly shows how the typography and how the titles were set out changed though-out the centuries. We then looked at a film called 'Se7en' and wrote a timeline on when all the titles appeared.
We found out in total there is 26 times a piece of text appears on screen. I was very suprising as the clip ws only 2 minutes long. This meant a title popped up on average of 4.6 seconds after each other. This was no where near the figure i thought it would be and will come in handy when i come to make my own titles. We then looked at the typography of the text and how it was postioned on the screen.
The was a constant theme running through the text that was very noticeable. All the text that were names of people had the correct format which is capital letters for the first letter and lower case letters for the rest. However aany other bit of text e.g. Directed By, Produced By. was all in capitals. This made it stand out more than the names of the people next to it. Finally, all of the text was wrote in scruffy hand writing and was not on the same line. Some letters were elevated and some were lowered. This gave a sinster look the the letters and helped portray it as a horror film.

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