Sunday, September 13, 2015

Me as a Consumer of Media

Everybody is a consumer of the media including me. I use media everyday and you may not even know it. This list below shows what forms of media I use and how I use it.


Who - I watch mainly Jim Carey or Adam Sandler.

What - I use my Apple T.V to sign into film streaming accounts to watch films.

Where - I use this in my house but I have to option to watch films on my iPad or my phone.

When - I can use it anytime that I want.

Why - I use this method because it outputs 1080p and I have a big T.V plugged into it.


Who - I go onto THIS LINK which takes me to their homepage.

What -My choice of newspaper is The Daily Mail.

Where - I can read it anywhere because I read it online meaning I can read it on a laptop or a
smart phone.

When - I can read it at whatever time I would like because it the site it always up and updated all the time.

Why - I like to know what is happening in the world and it keeps me informed.


Who - I read gaming magazines and music magazines.

What - I read magazines on my iPad through the pre-install app.

Where - I can read them anywhere that my iPad is because they are all stored on the internal memory of the iPad.

When - I can read them when ever I need to because they are all saved.

Why - To inform me on new games and music.


Who - I like listening to Eazy-E and Bugzy Malone.

What - I download my songs onto my phone and listen to them through my headphones.

Where - I can listen to it anywhere because my phone is portable.

When - I can also listen to it most hours of the day unless I am in lessons or not allowed.

Why - I listen to music because it relaxes me and it is nice to have some background noise as well.

This is a song I like which is old but still very good.

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