Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Preliminary Task Evaluation

The set brief that we were given for the preliminary task was to film a scene of two people, one of which opens a door, crosses a room and sits down in a chair opposite the other character, she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task had to demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

As soon as we were told our brief for our preliminary task, we searched the meaning of the media key terms used. These included shot/reverse shot, the 180-degree rule and match on action. We searched in the OCR guides to explain these to us so that we understood what was needed in our preliminary task. We then learnt about the different types of shots that we could use in our task. We then made our own examples of these different types of shots and posted them on our blog to show that we had understood the differences and so they were stored somewhere if we need to refer to them again.
We then set about filming our scenes. We all meet up at the discussed times and began filming. We gave extra attention to the continuity to make sure everything ran smoothly and we could filming all in one day. An example of this is we made sure Liam held his notepad in the same hand thought-out filming and that when Jack slid the page across the table, he had to hold the paper in the same place and keep the pen in the same place when moving the paper.

We then decided on what would happen in our short bit of filming. We all decided that Liam walks up to the table and sits down on the opposite chair to Jack(16) who is already sat down doing computer work. Liam then asks about some homework.' 
We then went around out chosen location and found a suitable room for our filming. We then used the 12 shot challenge in oder to create an in-depth story boar so everyone knew the plan and times of our filming. This included the time and place it would be shot, any angles that we would use and movements. We also had a box where we drew a sketch of what the shot could contain. Our group then created a powerpoint that has all of the pictures on and we all embedded it into our blog. 

Our filming when smoothly. I feel this was because of the planning that we had done previously to the filming. Because we had story boarded, looked at the locations, picked the actors and wrote up the schedule of filming, Everyone know what we needed to do and how long we had to do it. I feel that planning and looking into who was going to play our roles meant that we had chosen the correct person to play each role and the filming was easier. Looking at where we would film meant that we already knew where we were filming was suitable and didn't have to go around searching for the correct place to film.

I feel that our film meets the expectations of the set brief that we were given. This is because we had two characters, one walked into a room and they exchanged two lines of dialogue each.
The positives of our film were:

  •  We had everything planned which meant our filming was done to the time scale we had set it out to be.
  • The filming was not too shaky so it did not look too unprofessional.
  • Our filmed clips were to the point and done easily and quickly as the actors were briefed before the filming.
  • We worked well together as a team so got everything we need to do done in the allotted time.

The negatives of our film were:
  • Some of our filming was done in portrait and one other in landscape so we could not use that clip as the fluidity of the film would not have been there.
  • There was a lot of background noise at some points of our filming and some points were really quiet which made the film quite inconsistent. 
  • The speaking of the actors was not very loud which may be because of the filing equipment that we used. 
One area of development for our main task is to make sure all our filming is done either portrait or landscape but not a mixture of both.  Another area of development would be to make a better choice in filming equipment and make the actors speak louder so that we can hear what they are saying better. Finally, I would also use a different location or use that location at a different time as there was a lot of background noise that we did not want in our filming. 

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Planning : Our Filming Schedule

Date: 9th October 2015
Health and Safety
Aaron James
Hallway between C2 and N2
Don’t trap fingers in the locker
Aaron James
Hallway between C2 and N2
Don’t Run
Aaron James
Doorway into N207
Don’t trap fingers
Laptop and Paper
Laptop and Paper